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Monday, November 7, 2011

Phone Post!!!!

So I just got the Blogger app on my phone and I'm trying it out!!! So......
The NOOK from Barnes and Noble. Its an e-reader and for you people who actually want to hold the book, that's nice but even though I like that too, the NOOK is convenient, easy, light, and portable! It rocks!!! You can but books from anywhere, there is free books too, it has an extensive selection of books to choose from, and there's internet if you have wifi!!!! Its perfect for on the go travelers or even people who just want to save money! Though the NOOK costs kind of a lot of money, it will save you money in the long run. E-books on the NOOK cost less than they do in real paper form! ... It's a good buy :)

Inheritance Cycle a.k.a Eragon Series!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! New Book!!!!! :D

     Some of you might of heard of the book Eragon by Christopher Paolini. If you haven't, too bad for you because Eragon is my FAVORITE book ever!!! All three Eragon books (together they're named the Inheritance Cycle) are amazing and you know what the best part is??????? THE NEW BOOK COMES OUT TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!! I am soooooo excited! Inheritance is the name of the book, as if I hadn't already said so, I am SOOO excited! Can you tell how much I love these books?!?!?!
     For those who now want to read these books, I've got a couple links for you!!! :) By the way, Shurtagal means Rider in the Ancient Language... Eragon is a Rider.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Halloween is coming up!!!

     Halloween is coming up and it's the time to read scary books, murder books, mystery books, scary-murder-mystery books!!! So I've decided to make a list of all the good scary/murder/mystery books I can think of or find!! Here it goes... by the way, a lot of these, I haven't read, but I've heard about them, seen them, of found them via the internet.
Good Halloween Reads:
Min's Monster
The House of a Thousand Candles   }House of 1000 Candles and Sum. to Dark. are old but good :)
Summoned to Darkness                 
The Thirteenth Tale
The Hound of the Baskervilles
Theif of Always
Something Wicked This Way Comes
The Shining
The Graveyard Book
Ghost Story
Half Minute Horrors
Phantom of the Opera                      } Seen the movie. Wanting to read the book! It's on MY list :)
We Have Always Lives in the Castle
The Witch of Blackbird Pond           }Read it in Literature Circles. LOVED IT!
The Last Apprentice
Hallowe'en Party
Hallows Eve: A Halloween Fairytale
Spooked by Halloween

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Matched by Ally Condie

      One of the books I have recently read is Matched by Ally Condie. It's kind of like the Giver by Lois Lowry, but in my opinion, better. Matched is about a girl named Cassia who lives in a Eutopian kind of city, that isn't such a Eutopia. The officials basically control their lives. Where they live, their job, who they marry/ who they're matched with, when they die! Cassia is 17 when she gets her match and it turns out to be her life-long best friend, Xander. She's happy and everything is great until there's what the officials call a "glitch" with her matching screen. A face other than Xander's flashes for an instant, than is gone. Now Cassia has to choose between Xander and the life she's always known, or Ky and a life no one has ever dared to try....... It was such a good book and I absolutely LOVED it. If you read it I'm pretty sure you will too! :~)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Guess who's writing a book????

     Sorry I haven't posted in a REALLY long time, it's just that I had vacations, and school, and tons of homework...... Anyway, I've decided to write a book!!! It's going to be called, The Dragon Sorcerer!!! I'm not very far and it's going to take me a while, but at least I'm making progress. :) So far I've got the prologue and the beginning of chapter one. I work on it as much as I can while still paying attention in class, but I'll post about it when I get farther along.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


     I'm pretty sure that most of you people out there know what the Harry Potter books are and what they're about. If you don't, you must live under a rock... no offense to you people out there who DO live under rocks. Anyway, I FINALLY decided to read the Potter series by J.K. Rowling this summer and I absolutely loved them!!!! They do get a little dark towards the end but that doesn't affect the quality of the book at all! Good writing, good plot, amazing characters, its got everything! They're about this boy, Harry Potter, who is an orphan that lives with his aunt and uncle, because the evil Lord Voldemort killed his parents when he was a baby. On his eleventh birthday, he finds out that he's a wizard, and goes off to Hogwarts Castle to start his magical education. Along the way he meets friends, enemies, a mean Potions teacher, Lord Voldemort,  house elves, everything!!!!! I just can't describe it with words it's so good! You're just going to have to read it yourself if you want to learn more! Or... I guess you could go to J.K. Rowlings website. I got a link right here :)) ENJOY!!