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Friday, October 28, 2011

Halloween is coming up!!!

     Halloween is coming up and it's the time to read scary books, murder books, mystery books, scary-murder-mystery books!!! So I've decided to make a list of all the good scary/murder/mystery books I can think of or find!! Here it goes... by the way, a lot of these, I haven't read, but I've heard about them, seen them, of found them via the internet.
Good Halloween Reads:
Min's Monster
The House of a Thousand Candles   }House of 1000 Candles and Sum. to Dark. are old but good :)
Summoned to Darkness                 
The Thirteenth Tale
The Hound of the Baskervilles
Theif of Always
Something Wicked This Way Comes
The Shining
The Graveyard Book
Ghost Story
Half Minute Horrors
Phantom of the Opera                      } Seen the movie. Wanting to read the book! It's on MY list :)
We Have Always Lives in the Castle
The Witch of Blackbird Pond           }Read it in Literature Circles. LOVED IT!
The Last Apprentice
Hallowe'en Party
Hallows Eve: A Halloween Fairytale
Spooked by Halloween